In 2009, Minimal discovered and developed a process that enabled one-off graphic customization in mass-produced products. The result was our first spinoff brand, Uncommon. Uncommon's unique printing process now allows graphics of any type to be printed on complex product forms. I designed Uncommon's launch product, the slim but robust iPhone 3G Capsule Case, and art directed the brand with Scott Wilson for its first year.
During the year we worked on Uncommon, our greatest success post-startup was gaining presence in Apple's retail stores, some of the most coveted retail space in the world.
During the year we worked on Uncommon, our greatest success post-startup was gaining presence in Apple's retail stores, some of the most coveted retail space in the world.

The iPhone 3G Capsule Case.

Following Uncommon's launch, I art directed and created a series of print ads that ran in Juxtapoz magazine. Beyond estabilishing the brand, our chalenge was also to educate users about customization possiblities they may not have ever considered. Taking advantage of our huge library of artwork from emerging artists and our already-created engineering 3D files, the campaign focused on Uncommon's customizable cases being a seamless continuation of any artwork or pictures imaginable.

Print ads featuring artwork from MQ, Ryohei, and Phunk.

No photography! All 3D.

A closeup of a print ad featuring artwork from Ryohei.

An early campaign concept that we mocked up with stock images, but later scrapped in favor of something that featured more artwork. We were trying to capture, in a humorous way, how customizing a phone case could enable someone to show their personality.